"Love is a Locked Box and the Ocean on Her Lips" Shattered Prism
"The Stories She Tells Herself" Daily Science Fiction
"The Retelling of Jeremiah" Flash Fiction Online
"The Soul Mate Requirement" Intergalactic Medicine Show
"The Wolf and the Tower Unwoven" Uncanny Magazine
"Memory and Iron" Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
"The Right Sort of Monsters" Strange Horizons
"Small Magics" Metaphorosis
"Watering Silk Flowers" Nature Futures
"Siren Seeking" Sirens
"All the Lovely Brides" Grimdark Magazine
*Reprinted by Far Fetched Fables
"Mirror Skinned" Flash Fiction Online
"A Promise Kept by Candle Flame" Daily Science Fiction
"Everyone Will Want One" Asimov's Science Fiction
*Reprinted by Escape Pod
"The One They Took Before" Shimmer
*Reprinted by Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015
*Reprinted by Podcastle
*Reprinted by Gathering of Trubadurs (Bulgarian Translation)
"Home Isn't" Flash Fiction Online
*Reprinted by Cast of Wonders
"In Another Life" Daily Science Fiction
*Reprinted by Escape Pod
*Reprinted by Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
"How to Win in Reno" Esopus 13